220. Peirce's Pragmatism


Charles Peirce’s ideas were revolutionary, kicking off an entire philosophical movement now called “pragmatism,” but one might argue that his ideas bear little resemblance to the path pragmatism ultimately took…he certainly thought as much.

Audio Version MP3

The Fixation of Belief (Peirce, 1877) - http://www.bocc.ubi.pt/pag/peirce-charles-fixation-belief.pdf

How to Make Our Ideas Clear (Peirce, 1878) - https://courses.media.mit.edu/2004spring/mas966/Peirce%201878%20Make%20Ideas%20Clear.pdf

Pragmatism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2021) - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pragmatism/

Philosophical Writings of Charles Peirce (Buchler, 1940) - https://cdchester.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Philosophical-Writings-of-Peirce-Charles-S.-Peirce-Justus-Buchler-ed..pdf

Pragmatism - A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking (James, 1907) - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/5116/5116-h/5116-h.htm

Reconstruction in Philosophy (Dewey, 1920) - https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/40089

Ep. 20: Pragmatism The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast - https://partiallyexaminedlife.com/product/ep-20-pragmatism-peirce-and-james/

Violent Agreement (Wiki Wiki Web) - https://wiki.c2.com/?ViolentAgreement

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