206. Social Rationality


Individual humans are demonstrably irrational, & no amount of training or debiasing has been shown to make a dent in that irrationality, which leads us to ask: if I can’t think rationally on my own, why do I think at all?

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The Evolution of Cultural Evolution (Henrich, 2003) - https://henrich.fas.harvard.edu/files/henrich/files/henrich_mcelreath_2003.pdf

Why do humans reason? Arguments for an argumentative theory (Mercier & Sperber, 2011) - https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00904097/document

Social Rationality as a Unified Model of Man (Including Bounded Rationality) (Lindenberg, 2001) - https://core.ac.uk/reader/148124580

Fast and Frugal Heuristics: Tools of Social Rationality (Hertwig & Herzog, 2009) - https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_2504708/component/file_2520391/content

Critical Thinking Education and Debiasing (Kenyon, 2014) - https://philarchive.org/archive/KENCTE-2

Social Rationality versus Rational Egoism (Lindenberg, 2002) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qCSTcLvsUpp3kl5o-NZVFxnohpF2wEmH/view?usp=sharing

THUNK 74. The Argumentative Theory of Human Reason - https://youtu.be/Cduyyif7BVY

THUNK 197. Cultural Evolution Theory - https://youtu.be/DMvneRu3imc

THUNK Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/FaHAjXn

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