We experience our emotions as instantaneous reactions to the world around us, but what if fear, happiness, & anxiety arent the result of dedicated, hardwired circuits in our brains? The Theory of Constructed Emotion suggests an alternate explanation.
You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions – your brain creates them”, by Lisa Feldman Barett - https://www.ted.com/talks/lisa_feldman_barrett_you_aren_t_at_the_mercy_of_your_emotions_your_brain_creates_them/transcript?language=en
Solving the Emotion Paradox: Categorization and the Experience of Emotion (Barrett, 2006) - https://www.affective-science.org/pubs/2006/Barrett2006paradox.pdf
Of Mice and Men: Natural Kinds of Emotions in the Mammalian Brain? A Response to Panksepp and Izard - Lisa Feldman Barrett, Kristen A. Lindquist, Eliza Bliss-Moreau, Seth Duncan, Maria Gendron, Jennifer Mize, Lauren Brennan, 2007 - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-6916.2007.00046.x
How Emotions are Made, by Lisa Feldman Barrett - https://bookshop.org/books/how-emotions-are-made-the-secret-life-of-the-brain/9781328915436
Book Summary - How Emotions Are Made: The Theory of Constructed Emotion - https://fortelabs.co/blog/how-emotions-are-made/
Updated: A re-replication of a psychological classic provides a cautionary tale about overhyped science - https://digest.bps.org.uk/2018/08/15/a-re-replication-of-a-psychological-classic-provides-a-cautionary-tale-about-overhyped-science/
Fear and panic in humans with bilateral amygdala damage (Feinstein et al, 2013) - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3739474/
A lesion model of envy and Schadenfreude: legal, deservingness and moral dimensions as revealed by neurodegeneration (Santamara-Garca, 2017) - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5841144/
Identifying Emotions on the Basis of Neural Activation - https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/sds/docs/loewenstein/EmotionNeuralAct.pdf
THUNK 130. Bayesian Inference & Predictive Processing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLcIT3kjsW0
THUNK 190. Scientific Realism - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTouTijlfhg