198. Pragmatic Ethics


Many struggle with the seemingly inconsistent & slippery nature of morality - do moral facts exist? What are they? How can we verify them? Pragmatists sidestep many of these issues by bailing on the whole “truth” thing and asking instead: what works?

Audio Version MP3

(Many thanks to Liz, Dev, and The Best Discussion crew!)

THUNK Episode 200 Poll: https://forms.gle/FvNkhg4ZTN9ykLwF8

Pragmatic Ethics, by Hugh LaFolette - https://www.hughlafollette.com/papers/pragmati.htm

On Truth, by Simon Blackbutn - https://smile.amazon.com/Truth-Simon-Blackburn/dp/0190867213

SEP: The Pragmatic Theory of Truth - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/truth-pragmatic/

SEP: Pragmatism - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pragmatism/

SEP: Metaethics - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/metaethics/

  1. Metaethics - Moral Realism & Anti-Realism - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krOBdYnWKNk

  2. Theories of Truth, Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgDAQw3XJzE

  3. Issues of Utilitarian Ethics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA2JwEhJss8

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