169. Aesthetic Obligation


Is there such a thing as aesthetic obligation? Do we have duties that are explicitly aesthetic in character, or are they really just moral obligations? With great beauty comes great responsibility!

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Aesthetic Obligations (Eaton, 2008) - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1540-594X.2008.00283.x

Problems at the Intersection of Aesthetics and Ethics, by Seth Vanetta - https://responsejournal.net/issue/2016-08/article/problems-intersection-aesthetics-and-ethics

Life As Art Aesthetic Virtue and Moral Obligation, by Jochen Schmidt - http://jcrt.org/religioustheory/2016/02/24/life-as-art-aesthetic-virtue-and-moral-obligation/

Aesthetic Obligation (Press, 1969) - https://philpapers.org/rec/PREAO

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