Influenza isn’t complex, but it uses the insane growth rate of f(x) = x! , one of the fastest-growing functions out there. The greatest benefit of the #flushot isn’t keeping you healthy, it’s retarding that combinatorial explosion enough to save lives. Get one.
QUICK NOTE: Thanks to John Galmann for pointing out that “cheers” doesn’t actually exhibit combinatorial growth, as it’s just the set of all subsets of 2 for the given set - in order for it to exhibit that growth pattern, you’d have to be looking at the set of all n-tuples for a given number of people (e.g. all 3-lets, 4-lets, etc.) which isn’t how people usually think about cheers.
Vaccinations and Herd Immunity, by Health Care Triage -
“Probability and the Birthday Paradox,” by Science Buddies -
Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality Surveillance from the National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Surveillance System -
Exponential Growth Isnt Cool. Combinatorial Growth Is, by Tor Bair -
Varicella in Infants After Implementation of the US Varicella Vaccination Program (Chaves et al, 2011) -
Combinatorial Explosions Explained, by Hexawise -