98. Mixed Reality and 'Game' Design


Maybe VR isn’t a specific thing, but part of a continuum of physical/virtual experience called “mixed reality.” Regardless of how you think about it, the virtual already plays a significant role in your life, and game designers (as terrible a name as that is) are the ones building your future.

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Paul Milgrim and Fumio Kishino’s foundational 1994 paper on mixed reality - http://etclab.mie.utoronto.ca/people/paul_dir/IEICE94/ieice.html

An article detailing Tencent’s new credit rating app and its truly frightening potential - http://www.brownpoliticalreview.org/2016/03/the-socialist-network-why-chinas-proposed-credit-rating-system-is-anything-but-credible/

Jesse Schell’s 2010 DICE talk, detailing his unique vision of the future as built by game designers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG_PbHVW5cQ

YouTube channel “Extra Credits,” a great resource for beginning to learn about some of the aspects of game design that are being used to build our virtual future - https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraCreditz

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