28. You are a Designer


“Design” isn’t just something that developers and architects do, it’s part of everything you make and everything you own. Learn how to make it work for you!

Audio Version MP3

Tim Brown, CEO of design company IDEO, gives a TED talk about creativity and design - http://www.ted.com/talks/tim_brown_on_creativity_and_play

The website for Don Norman, head of the design team for the first iPod and father to many modern design practices - http://www.jnd.org/

Chris Downey, a blind architect, talks about how to design cities for the millions of blind people who live in them - http://www.ted.com/talks/chris_downey_design_with_the_blind_in_mind

John Hodgman humorously explains the essence of good design - http://www.ted.com/talks/john_hodgman_design_explained

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