23. Concerts and Consent


April is the start of concert season, as well as sexual assault awareness month. Find out how sex and physical intimacy should be like a good rock concert.

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WARNING: This video contains mild triggers for sexual assault or abuse.

Some statistics about rape, including the fact that 1 in 5 women in the US will be raped at some point in their lives, and 2/3 of rape victims know their rapists - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/soraya-chemaly/50-facts-rape_b_2019338.html

RAINN provides some tips to reduce your risk of sexual assault - https://www.rainn.org/get-information/sexual-assault-prevention

Hank Green’s excellent summary of sexual abuse, consent, and culture - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO-sqIoi_lQ

After Silence, an online support group for people dealing with rape and sexual abuse - http://www.aftersilence.org/

There’s a common misconception that dressing scantily makes you more likely to be raped. This is statistically false - women who wear burqas are raped just as often as women who dress less conservatively - http://atheism.about.com/b/2010/06/02/how-does-the-burqa-protect-women-sexual-assault-in-egypt.htm

The Scorpions’ drummer James Kottak performing the “Kottak Attack” drum solo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kVwN7b82S0

Many thanks to Michelle Louden, Liz Ballinger, and Courtney Kidd for reviewing this script before I filmed it!

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