16. Culture and Bias


It’s very easy to dismiss systemic cultural bias, because it’s almost invisible if you’re not aware of it. This week, however, I argue that it exists, that it’s pervasive, and that you can and should work to combat it.

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A study demonstrating that identical resumes with “black-sounding names” receive 25% fewer calls back than those with “white-sounding names.” - http://www.nber.org/digest/sep03/w9873.html

Statistics showing only 1 in 5 member in congress are women - http://www.nwpc.org/statistics#congress

PBS Gameshow on how video game stereotypes hurt men - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrActT_7X6U

A pretty disgusting example of how culture tries to define what a “real man” is - http://www.askmen.com/top_10/dating/traits-of-a-real-man.html

The story of a black musician who befriends KKK members and eventually collects their robes - http://guardianlv.com/2013/11/kkk-member-walks-up-to-black-musician-in-bar-but-its-not-a-joke-and-what-happens-next-will-astound-you/

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